
September High Contributor: Daphne Xuan!

Daphne is an all-round team player and well deserved to be this month's top contributor. Daphne is part of the Physioplus media team, which means she helps edit and produce the videos you see with Physioplus courses. She has an incredible eye for detail and always works meticulously and methodically. Daphne edited the video of Dr. Nicole Beamish for the…

Humility wins

Guess what? If you've been to therapy yourself or are currently in therapy, Carl Rogers may not have been a good fit for you. Neither Bessel van der Kolk nor Irvin Yalom. The clout that some of these big names have in therapy is usually well deserved. Who does not appreciate the advances in thinking about things like unconditional positive…

Trauma stabilization by means of polyvagal concept and DBT

F From my point of view, the polyvagal theory has so far provided us with the best working model for how trauma affects the brain and the body. According to this model, trauma affects both branches of the autonomic nervous system (sympathetic and parasympathetic), which include both branches of the parasympathetic (ventral and dorsal). The sympathetic branch of the nervous…

Is physiotherapy coaching transferring within the path of a digital studying design? (Digital studying is more practical)

Digital learning has the ability to transform training in physical therapy and there is increasing evidence to support its use. But what do RCTs tell us? It seems counterintuitive, doesn't it, physiotherapy is a practical and practical profession. So how can this be taught using digital or distance learning methods? Well, there is evidence to support and disprove this argument.…

The evacuation from Afghanistan triggers harsh feelings amongst skilled shoppers and advisors

On August 30, the United States withdrew the last of its military troops from Afghanistan. News outlets documented that historic moment with a grainy, green-tinged night vision photo of a lone soldier boarding a C-17 cargo plane at Hamid Karzai International Airport. The man in the photo – Army Major Chris Donahue, commanding general of the 82nd Airborne Division –…

Sure, and … improvisation will be therapeutic

T where the most important rules of improvisation are that you must agree with the other person and complete the conversation. One of the most frequently used improvisation games "Yes, and …" illustrates these principles. Two people face each other. A person starts with a single statement. The other person accepts this idea and builds on it by answering, "Yes,…

Train at house reduces the depth of ache and improves motion restrictions within the case of unspecific low again ache

Exercise is certainly the best treatment for non-specific low back pain, but which setting is best suited to implement the exercise plan? Home is the most accessible place to exercise for most people, but is it the most effective way to improve outcomes for people with nonspecific low back pain? Develop your understanding of back pain A new systematic review…