
Free On-line Summit to Promote Mindfulness and Compassion

Hello friends! As you may know, I always enjoy free events that can help us to heal, find peace, and learn to treat each other with more patience, kindness, and compassion. And I am particularly passionate about mindfulness. The more awareness of the present is promoted, the better we can deal with our sometimes overwhelming emotions and the chaos in…

How I Overcome My Relational Fears and Doubts

“Loving means risking not being loved for it. Hope means risking pain. Trying is risking failure. But the risk has to be taken because the biggest danger in my life is not to risk anything. "~ Leo Buscaglia It was the day after my friend suggested and I felt sick with fear. I couldn't understand this feeling. I loved my…

Why my “self-care” does extra hurt than good

"Self-care is how you take back your strength." ~ Lalah Delia Self-care is not a bubble bath. I mean, you might be the kind of person who feels like committing a mortal sin by allowing yourself to stand alone with a candle or book in hot water for twenty minutes wade. If you are, then yes. Please treat yourself to…

I used to be hungry on a regular basis

I mean, hungry all the time. When I was awake, I was basically ready to eat. I would mindlessly choose what is available. I would walk through the kitchen all the time and feel "nibbling". From the moment I woke up to the moment I went to bed, I would be completely preoccupied with what I would eat next. And…

I need to be wealthy in reminiscences

"My life is not perfect, but it has perfect moments." ~ Unknown The training was over, the hot Florida sun sat behind the high stands and threw golden rays on the track. Behind me was my dear school, surrounded by beautiful palm trees. "California Girls" played through the speakers and I laughed with friends at something a teammate said. There…