
How I Forgive When Life Felt Painful and Unjust

"Forgiving someone does not mean that their behavior was" OK ". What it means is that we are ready to move on. Let go of the heavy weight. To shape our own lives on our terms without unnecessary burdens Forgiveness is pure freedom – and forgiveness is a choice. ”~ Dr. Suzanne Gelb It happened again. I was sitting across…

Beat the chances: Why I survived and my brother didn't

My brother Marc-Emile sparkled brilliantly. At sixteen he could study physics or Plato, analysis or auto mechanics, Stravinsky or Steppenwolf. At seventeen he began reading the Great Books series, from Homer and Aeschylus to the Greeks. I don't know how many of these great books he read. He didn't have that long. My brother had everything to himself. He was…