Life Coach

What I discovered this yr

I know it has been a tough year for many, but I hope you don't believe it was a wasted year. The dreams and goals you had in the beginning may quickly evaporate when elements outside of your control were taken over, but that is not necessarily the end of the world. The black clouds may have blocked the sun…

Sustaining the obsession

If you've been obsessed with playing online chess for a week. And then, for the next week, you're obsessed with turning wood. In the following week you can think of nothing else than to cook Spanish cuisine. And then, a week later, you forgot all that and are suddenly enthusiastic about cross-country skiing. You probably won't get very far. Sure,…

Don't waste it on them

Karen and Madison came home from the stores very excited last weekend. Of course, as a dutiful husband and father, I rolled my eyes and wondered what they had wasted our hard-earned money on. It turned out that they had bought Dusty, our spoiled Golden Retriever, a new bed. Except that she already had a bed. And this bed was…

Admire and luxuriate in it

Tonight I came across this wonderful quote from Michael Josephson: “The world has enough beautiful mountains and meadows, spectacular skies and calm lakes. It has enough lush forests, flowering fields and sandy beaches. It has many stars and promises a new sunrise and sunset every day. What the world needs more are people who appreciate and enjoy it. " This…

Benefit from the little issues

Robert Brault once said: "Enjoy the little things, for a day you can look back and realize that they were the big things." I read this quote and spent a few moments thinking about some of the little things in my life. Breakfast with the children at the table. Walking Dusty (our loyal Golden Retriever) in the bush behind our…

A Sensible Information to Constructing Your Confidence

This Practical Guide to Building Confidence provides a free coaching video with practical tips that you can apply right away, focusing on simple things that will help overcome self-doubt and second guesswork, confidence and self-esteem build up. I'm going to start by sharing 9 mini case studies of people who are now confident and making confident life decisions by doing…

You received't at all times win

I wish I could tell you otherwise, but the reality is, you won't always win. You can practice, prepare, and perform to the best of your ability, but the results will not always come your way. Sometimes your opponent is better. Sometimes you are just not good enough. Sometimes the deck is stacked against you. Sometimes there is no clear…

We don’t agree on many factors

The world is currently very divided and there is a lot of pointing and shouting with the fingers. People are frustrated, angry and looking for someone they can turn to. There are people I know, love and respect who give me cause to groan inwardly when I hear their views on certain topics. And I'm sure you will do the…