Life Coach

The wrestle is actual (and needed)

When a wildebeest migrates to better pastures, it has to navigate crocodile-infested waters and lion raids. When a bird flies for the first time, it flaps its wings with strength and hope. So that a butterfly can free itself from its cocoon, it wrestles and wriggles. Starting a new company requires much more than just turning the "Open" sign on…

Discover your individual voice

I love music and have a number of artists on my playlist. Luciano Pavarotti, Aretha Franklin, Freddie Mercury, Stevie Wonder and Joni Mitchell sing to me regularly, their genius can be seen. But when I listen to these wonderfully talented people, one thing strikes me. They are each amazing singers, but they each have their own voices. You are brilliant…

What’s in the best way turns into the best way

The AFL season starts tomorrow night, which is always an exciting time for our household. With my team, the Richmond Tigers, reigning consecutive premieres, I've used the off-season to see many of the highlights of the past year, and one phrase the team used a lot stands out. "What is in the way becomes the way." When something goes wrong…

Seize it with each arms

My wife and I love to watch our children play sports. It's great to see them compete and the drive to and from events can be a great time for conversation. But tonight Mads frustrated me. She was playing basketball and grabbed the ball with one hand. She is usually not temporary, but she seemed to have lost some confidence…

All studying numbers

Since getting my trusted Kindle almost 10 years ago, I've kept a detailed table of all the books I've read. It was a handy way to track my progress, motivate myself to read, and make sure I don't buy too many books without reading what I've already downloaded. It probably saved me from buying hundreds more than I ever hoped…

It won’t occur in isolation

I've read a lot of biographies and memoirs and one of the common elements that strikes me is that these incredibly successful and remarkable people had tons of help along the way. Yes, they are talented, resilient, and hardworking, but they also take plenty of time to thank their parents, spouse, grandparent, mentor, teacher, boss, or casual stranger who had…

The primary individual I’ve to alter

There are times when I look at my children and think about all the things that they need to change. And I've been with my wife for over 26 years, but there are still aspects of her that aren't perfect. My employees could sometimes do a better job. If only they were more efficient or more powerful. I have a…

Bumps and bruises

There was a time many years ago when I was young and fit and reasonably athletic and played Australian football. I've never been a great player as I grew up mostly playing basketball, but I enjoyed the experience. One of the most vivid memories of my fleeting career as a pedestrian is the feeling you get when the last siren…

Be at liberty to disagree

We don't have to agree on everything. Let's be honest, we don't have to agree on anything. We have different backgrounds, cultures, perspectives and all of them have an influence on our worldview. Disagree is important. Too often people live in echo chambers, only with the voices of those who sound like them to society. It distorts the mind, creates…