Life Coach

Our True Heroes

I am often inspired by the stories of great athletes and put them on a pedestal for their competitive achievements. We praise famous actors and musicians by clicking on articles that contain their names so we can keep up to date with their antics. Politicians, inventors, military leaders, captains of industry. Some nobles, others less, because they are known and…

High 10 Most Well-liked Posts of 2019

Well, here we are again at the end of another year. 2019 was another big year for this humble little blog and I've had more than 2.6 million views since it started in 2010. Thank you for your support this year, I appreciate all of you very much and trust that 2019 will be your best year so far. I…

My favourite books from 2019

One of my annual goals is to read 25 books about my trustworthy Kindle, and this year has been another year of learning and entertainment from some great writers. I try to read a variety of genres and authors to ensure that I don't get too insular while maintaining my knowledge in areas of life that are important and interesting…

A dwelling, respiration instance of tradition

Udonis Haslem was recently interviewed about the culture of the organization. It is one thing that a coach transmits the message and does the things that coaches do. However, it is different to have someone in the locker room who is a living and vivid example of the culture you want to pass on to the guys you want to…

three keys to manifesting your highest potential

Did you miss the Believe & Receive Summit organized by AVAIYA University? This summit with over 25 teachers treated SO many great things to support you to manifest the life of your dreams. Listed below is the online class that I shared during the summit – on 3 keys to manifest your highest potential. These are ways you can reconcile…

What occurs when issues go properly?

I had a good day's work today. Something that had been requested and planned for a few weeks could finally be carried out and resulted in a great experience for our customers and much better results for my employees. Everything went well and I was very positive about the progress I had made at the beginning of the new year…