Life Coach

Three steps to be an optimist

The more balanced and positive your mental and emotional state, the more your decisions, behavior, actions and results will reflect this, and your life experience will improve. While we can look at research showing some potential benefits of optimism and links between a person's level of optimism and things like their health and longevity, it doesn't take a rocket scientist…

The imperfections in our espresso desk

Last week we finally received the coffee table that we ordered a few months ago. We wanted it to be big enough so that our Golden Retriever wouldn't push off its cups with its tail. We wanted to have enough storage space in the floor to be able to store a few blankets folded up for the cold Bendigo nights.…

The imperfections in our espresso desk

Last week we finally received the coffee table that we ordered a few months ago. We wanted it to be big enough so that our Golden Retriever wouldn't push off its cups with its tail. We wanted to have enough storage space in the floor to be able to store a few blankets folded up for the cold Bendigo nights.…

I’ll by no means be an Olympic athlete

I think it is time to admit to myself that I will never be an Olympic athlete. As I approach the age of 50 quickly, I have to realize that, even if I exercise rigorously, my body will never be able to perform great feats in athletics, gymnastics, swimming or even archery. It just won't happen. And so I have…

5 ideas for a newbie runner

Did you know that running is good for your mental health? There is research showing that running improves mood, running relieves stress and promotes brain health. It was found that running increases the levels of norepinephrine in the body, a chemical that helps moderate the body's response to stress. I discovered this firsthand when I started running years ago. I…

We run at our personal tempo, however we run

When I run with the kids it can be a demoralizing experience. My oldest, Hayden, can cover 3 miles in 20 minutes, and his younger brother, Logan, has dropped his personal best to under 25. Unfortunately I'm not even close to that. I often go for a run with Logan and his absurdly long legs take off with a hopping,…

Let's cease evaluating

Today I had the privilege of listening to a woman who is an expert on cybersecurity. She was a very sharp speaker with great authority in this area. During the discussion, she spoke about social media influencers. She hails from a part of Australia where they appear to be widespread, and she made the observation that everything is so wrong.…

The way in which up the mountain

A man stood at the foot of the mountain and looked up. He knew he had to go to the top, but from where he stood he couldn't identify a path that would lead him all the way. All he could see was a starting point that gradually led upwards. "Is that the right way?" he asked himself. "I wish…

Good occasions forward

Tomorrow will be a good day. Of course I cannot control everything that is taking place and I am sure there will be some moments that are not ideal, but it will be a good day. I am determined to do it that way. If I can string a couple of good days together, it will be a good week.…

Keep in mind Goldilocks

Twice in two nights the authors discussed the history of Goldilocks and the importance of balance while reading completely different books on very different subjects. Not too hot. Not too cold. Exactly right. It is a principle that is easy to forget. But when we find that balance, it can make a massive difference to our quality of life and…