
No relaxation for the bullied

The climate of intolerance, anger and, to put it bluntly, hatred that has blossomed over the past four years has employed Jessi Eden Brown as a professional trainer for the Workplace Bullying Institute (WBI) and a private psychotherapy practice in Seattle. According to the WBI, workplace bullying targets were increasingly reporting bold assaults, debilitating sabotage, and bullying from known or…

Gone, however not missed: When grief is advanced

The aphorism “Don't speak ill of the dead” is attributed to the philosopher Chilon of Sparta. The expression De mortuis nihil nisi bonum, first written in Greek and later popularized in Latin, perpetuates a social taboo against criticism of the deceased. Centuries after the first utterance, counseling clients may still hesitate to “speak badly” of someone in their life who…

Voice of expertise: breaches of belief

Trust is the basis on which relationships of all kinds are built. Think how much we depend on trust in our everyday life. We trust our teachers to tell us the truth. We trust someone's check won't bounce. Even the money we exchange requires confidence in the value of the currency in our hands. We trust that the products we…

Use of the "faucet in dedication" method

Emma looks quickly at the clock when she turns her key in the lock. It is 9:57 p.m. She sighs as she pushes the door open and quickly goes to her room to drop off her bags before going into the kitchen to prepare dinner, her second meal of the day since leaving at 6am. She fills a saucepan, turns…

"However my clients don't get consuming issues"

Almost all counselors encounter clients who engage in behaviors such as extreme dieting, excessive exercise, fasting, emotional overeating and binge eating. These symptoms can be mild and overlooked at first, or even considered normative in our culture obsessed with thinness and appearance. Sometimes it is difficult to tell the difference between a client experimenting with the latest fashion diet and…

The darker facet of sleep

"Sleep is the golden chain that connects health and body." – Thomas Dekker, 1625 "Without enough sleep we all become great 2-year-olds." – JoJo Jensen, Dirt Farmer Wisdom, 2002 “I love sleep. I would sleep all day if I could. "- Miley Cyrus, 2019 <img data-attachment-id = "18056" data-permalink = "" data-orig-file = "" data-orig-size = "388.570" Data comments opened…

The forces that might form the way forward for consulting

[NOTE: To view this article as a PDF, log in with your ACA credentials here and select the January 2021 magazine.] In 2012, as the American Counseling Association celebrated its 60th anniversary as an organization, Counseling Today published an article entitled "What The Future Holds For The Counseling Profession." In this piece, 19 consultants shared their visions (and best guesses)…

Consultants look again on 2020

2020: The year that surprised us again and again – and often shocked us. Rampant forest fires on the west coast. A record-breaking hurricane season. The violent police confrontation and subsequent death of George Floyd, which sparked widespread protests, re-proclaimed Black Lives Matter and called for an end to racial injustice and police brutality targeting black communities. A marked increase…