
The sensitivity of drawing boundaries in collectivist cultures

I in our westernized culture tend to maintain a predominant approach to managing our relationships that involves setting boundaries. Therefore, our therapy practices and cultures often emphasize the setting of boundaries as a key element in developing and maintaining “healthy” relationships. The United States is mostly engaged in an individualistic culture that can promote and maintain borders in order to…

Message from the CEO: Change is occurring

<img aria-beschreibungby = "caption-attachment-12705" data-attachment-id = "12705" data-permalink = " -beyond-our-abilities / executive-director-headshot-2 / "data-orig-file =" "data-orig-size =" 150,150 "data-comments-opened =" 1 "data-image-meta =" {"aperture": "0", "credit": "", "camera": "", " caption ":" "," created_timestamp ":" 0 "," copyright ":" "," focal_length ":" 0 "," iso ":" 0 "," shutter_speed ":" 0 "," title ":" "}" data-image-title = "executive-director-headshot"…

From the President: Every little thing just isn’t a trigger

<img aria-beschreibungby = "caption-attachment-25235" data-attachment-id = "25235" data-permalink = " -up-and-tapping-you-in / sylvester-kent-butler-branding-session / "data-orig-file =" -Head-Shot.jpg "data-orig-size =" 800,1000 "data-comments-opened =" 1 "data-image-meta =" {"aperture": "8", "credit": "RTW Photography "," camera ":" NIKON Z 7_2 "," caption ":" "," created_timestamp ":" 1621265534 "," copyright ":" RTW Photography "," focal_length ":" 98 "," iso ":" 125 "," shutter_speed ":"…

Use some great benefits of EMDR

A ndie Bernard, a licensed professional clinical advisor at Rootworks Wellness in Cincinnati, worked with children and families in marginalized communities who had experienced complex trauma but didn't feel like it was real to help improve through the use of play and talk therapy. “In treating these children and their families, I just couldn't get to the root of what…

Voice of Expertise: Three Items of Anger

He was commissioned by the court and, in order not to go to prison, he had to undergo anger management counseling for several months, among other things. I was his choice as a consultant. An incident of street rage had led to this result. The other driver had carelessly cut my client off on the interstate. His anger flared up…

Evaluation, analysis and remedy planning: A map for the additional journey

C Clients give so much about themselves verbally and non-verbally in counseling sessions that it overwhelms clinicians who do not organize the information and use it to create a structured plan for their joint work, argues Nathaniel N. Ivers , Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Counseling at Wake Forest University. Fully understanding a client's situation, symptoms and…

Afro-American and reluctance to hunt remedy

Amid talks about how African Americans are disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and speculation about their reluctance to get vaccinated, the Tuskegee experiment has been used several times as some sort of seminal explanation for why African Americans hesitate to be treated. The Tuskegee experiment recruited African American men for what they thought was medical treatment, but in reality…

Humility wins

Guess what? If you've been to therapy yourself or are currently in therapy, Carl Rogers may not have been a good fit for you. Neither Bessel van der Kolk nor Irvin Yalom. The clout that some of these big names have in therapy is usually well deserved. Who does not appreciate the advances in thinking about things like unconditional positive…

Trauma stabilization by means of polyvagal concept and DBT

F From my point of view, the polyvagal theory has so far provided us with the best working model for how trauma affects the brain and the body. According to this model, trauma affects both branches of the autonomic nervous system (sympathetic and parasympathetic), which include both branches of the parasympathetic (ventral and dorsal). The sympathetic branch of the nervous…