
Motion improves the general length and high quality of sleep for individuals with neurological problems th

We do not know which type, duration or intensity of training is best suited to improve sleep during neurological rehab. But a new systematic review has tried to find out. Sleep is vital for maintaining essential body functions as well as for emotional and cognitive well-being. Bad sleep is associated with a multitude of problems such as endocrine, metabolic and…

The sensitivity of drawing boundaries in collectivist cultures

I in our westernized culture tend to maintain a predominant approach to managing our relationships that involves setting boundaries. Therefore, our therapy practices and cultures often emphasize the setting of boundaries as a key element in developing and maintaining “healthy” relationships. The United States is mostly engaged in an individualistic culture that can promote and maintain borders in order to…

Three steps to be an optimist

The more balanced and positive your mental and emotional state, the more your decisions, behavior, actions and results will reflect this, and your life experience will improve. While we can look at research showing some potential benefits of optimism and links between a person's level of optimism and things like their health and longevity, it doesn't take a rocket scientist…

Message from the CEO: Change is occurring

<img aria-beschreibungby = "caption-attachment-12705" data-attachment-id = "12705" data-permalink = " -beyond-our-abilities / executive-director-headshot-2 / "data-orig-file =" "data-orig-size =" 150,150 "data-comments-opened =" 1 "data-image-meta =" {"aperture": "0", "credit": "", "camera": "", " caption ":" "," created_timestamp ":" 0 "," copyright ":" "," focal_length ":" 0 "," iso ":" 0 "," shutter_speed ":" 0 "," title ":" "}" data-image-title = "executive-director-headshot"…

Primary studying from the rehabilitation assets repository (newest uploads)

This is the first repository of its kind and the right place for you if you need instructions and frameworks for rehabilitation. The goal of the ReLAB-HS Rehabilitation Resource Repository is to improve the findability and accessibility of high quality rehabilitation publications produced by organizations to support the development and delivery of rehabilitation services and their integration into health systems.…

From the President: Every little thing just isn’t a trigger

<img aria-beschreibungby = "caption-attachment-25235" data-attachment-id = "25235" data-permalink = " -up-and-tapping-you-in / sylvester-kent-butler-branding-session / "data-orig-file =" -Head-Shot.jpg "data-orig-size =" 800,1000 "data-comments-opened =" 1 "data-image-meta =" {"aperture": "8", "credit": "RTW Photography "," camera ":" NIKON Z 7_2 "," caption ":" "," created_timestamp ":" 1621265534 "," copyright ":" RTW Photography "," focal_length ":" 98 "," iso ":" 125 "," shutter_speed ":"…

Ian Horsley answered your medical questions concerning the shoulder (frozen shoulder, sternoclavicular dysfunction and subacromial impingement)

An in-depth look at shoulder disease with internationally renowned clinician Ian Horsley. Shoulders are complex structures and can cause confusion in clinical practice. If you only think of the muscles, the number is immense and intimidating, and that's not even the 17 attached to the shoulder blade. This makes clinical thinking and understanding what you see difficult to interpret. But…