We don't have to agree on everything.

Let's be honest, we don't have to agree on anything.

We have different backgrounds, cultures, perspectives and all of them have an influence on our worldview.

Disagree is important.

Too often people live in echo chambers, only with the voices of those who sound like them to society. It distorts the mind, creates ruts, and clouds the senses.

When we come across someone who is different, it can help us reflect on our point of view and think about how we got there.

My wife and I disagree all the time.

My teenagers and I disagree all the time.

The people I work with disagree all the time.

And that's a very good thing.

So you are welcome to disagree, but can we all agree on one thing?

Give all names.

The abuse.

The screaming.


The harmful vitriol that is supposed to belittle and intimidate.

Let's leave that behind.

Let's make the world a better place.

Not by smiling about everything and being in agreement.

But by disagreeing with courtesy, love and sometimes silence.


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