Since getting my trusted Kindle almost 10 years ago, I've kept a detailed table of all the books I've read.

It was a handy way to track my progress, motivate myself to read, and make sure I don't buy too many books without reading what I've already downloaded. It probably saved me from buying hundreds more than I ever hoped for.

As I was reading through my records tonight, I noticed some books on my list and could barely remember them.

Was it a good book?

What was it about?

Would I recommend it to someone else?

What did I learn from it?

At first I asked myself whether it was a waste to have read something and then forgot everything. That poor writer must have poured his heart and soul into it and now I wondered what they wrote.

Then I recognized an important principle.

All learning counts.

I may not have remembered anything in particular from that particular title, but it may have introduced me to a subject that was later delved into.

Or maybe I disagreed with much of the content and forced myself to look at my position on a deeper level.

Or maybe for the time I was reading I didn't waste my time watching TV or scrolling through social media.

I am incredibly grateful to the writers who have changed my life.

And also the less memorable ones, thank you, because all learning counts.


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