This Practical Guide to Building Confidence provides a free coaching video with practical tips that you can apply right away, focusing on simple things that will help overcome self-doubt and second guesswork, confidence and self-esteem build up.

I'm going to start by sharing 9 mini case studies of people who are now confident and making confident life decisions by doing what they love and how they obtained that trust in 9 specific ways.

If you understand and practice these 9 things, you can also build your self-confidence.

These people whom I interviewed informally had previously experienced some form of self-doubt or lack of self-esteem, self-confidence or self-confidence.

These are NATURAL and NORMAL challenges on the journey called Life. If you go through that too, you just know that it is NOT a defect or a bug!

These case studies come from an even mix of extroverts and introverts, men and women, spanning an age range of 50 years and spanning different countries, education, experiences, life challenges and careers.

So I wanted to know … HOW did they resolve problems with self-doubt and self-esteem and instead bolstered their confidence to now be the people showing the natural confidence that I have seen (which I would call calm, humble , soulful trust).

Because I know all these people personally. I've seen what they actually did in their life and how they carry themselves. You all inspire me. They are either people who looked after me or they are people in my personal or professional network.

Answer 2 questions

Before we get into the 9 things they shared about trust to use on your own journey, here are some important questions for YOU …

How would your life be / feel different if you were more confident?
Is there anything in particular that you would do if you were more confident?

9 things that increase trust

Below I have summarized the general topics that emerged from the interviews, or click here to read the full article.

1. Self-acceptance

“I actually feel that my trust comes from my self-acceptance. The more I have accepted myself, the more secure I feel. The safer I am, the more I accept myself! They support each other. "

“Self-acceptance is massive. It's everything when it comes to being confident. Naturally, when you are at peace with yourself and love who you are, you will naturally become confident. It is less important to you when you fail at something because you know that even when you fail you will still love yourself. "

It's time to fully accept yourself (warts and everything!) … I'll show you how, so stay tuned.

2. Mindset, attitude & self-talk

"When I realized that you have to live with yourself around the clock and that life is a long journey, I got tired of feeling at odds with myself. It's like having a little fight his own head. " So I integrated positive thinking and positive self-talk. This of course creates more self-acceptance and self-confidence. "

"Do not speak negatively to myself, strengthen myself through positive self-talk and be my best supporter."

People who feel safe and do great things in life (heart driven goals, projects, and adventures) have chosen a mindset that supports the kind of feel and life they want.

3. Other people who give positive feedback

That surprised me. I'm not a big fan of harnessing my personal growth by doing things I can't control (e.g. what other people say or do!), But the fact is … this works and it happens for A LOT of people – successful sustainable experience Increase your trust by deciding to be with positive people who give verbal positive feedback …

"People I trust say to me," You're great at XYZ "and that builds my confidence. I take a moment to see what others see in me that I don't see for myself . That helps me to feel safe. "

"It was really important to surround myself with people who believe in me and have a positive attitude in order to boost my self-confidence."

“I get positive feedback from my children (and also from other adults), which has really helped me to accept myself. My kids are the first to accept me and tell me they love who I am. They see me that way and I didn't see myself that way, so it adjusted my perception of myself. "

“My self-confidence was also strengthened by the fact that other people believed in me and saw in me the person who would be able to do more and greater things. They told me that, and it helped me see myself differently and feel more secure. "

I will soon tell more about how you can intentionally experience this for yourself.

4. Loving what you do

Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?

Do you get trust first and then because you are confident that you are doing what you love?

Or are you doing what you love now and THAT gives you confidence?

"It is important to LOVE what you do, this joy gives you confidence. I have always loved what I have done and I believe that has given me confidence."

“The reason I am confident that I will achieve my goals and projects is that I believe in what I am doing. I don't do things in my life and don't follow paths unless I'm really passionate and enjoy it. From this love and intuition for what I am doing, it strengthens my self-confidence. "

5. A Healthy Perspective on Fear, Risk, and Failure

This was the largest and clearest topic I have spoken to. Look at that …

“Trust goes hand in hand with a good attitude towards failure. Trying to do something and failing is NOT a failure. They say, "You can suck and still be great if you do and have fun"!

“Facing my fears and doing things that I fear and overcoming them has strengthened my self-confidence. Through measures and new things, I have become more familiar with risks and uncertainties and have found that I am much more capable than I thought I was before. "

“Feel the fear and do it anyway. I like to ask, "What could possibly go wrong?" I was taught at the beginning of my career. If someone says NO to you, life is not over yet. If you fail, it doesn't mean the bottom will open up and swallow you up. "

"Feel the fear and do it anyway!" I often felt insecure, lacking in self-confidence, and scared as I entered new relationships, jobs, opportunities, etc. However, since I value growth and learning, and am a bit rebellious and not afraid to take risks, I have often jumped into the unknown and grew as a result. "

Enough said! Stay tuned, I'll show you how to transform your relationship to risk, fear, and failure.

6. Draw strength from life's challenges

The times when we are on our knees and are knocked down by life events are the moments that strengthen our resilience and our confidence that we can do anything and deal with EVERYTHING …

"I reflect on the losses, grief, and life challenges I've faced and I know life will never be this bad again. So take what life brings you and deal with it and go on." Life difficulties come with life lessons in them, take the lessons and there is nothing to be afraid of. This resilience has helped me accept and accept life itself and therefore be more confident about what life brings. "

“I could do new things in my life with confidence because I knew that past difficult times made you stronger. When you have overcome challenges, you find that you get smarter, stronger, smarter and can face anything. Hence, it is less scary to accept new things or changes. "

7. Faith

If you live your life with any belief, religion or spirituality, you can rely on this loving source / higher power to support your trust …

“My self-confidence was boosted when I noticed repeated signs / messages from life that supported the feeling of what I wanted to do. This makes me feel like I'm not alone and helps me to trust my original idea. To know that life somehow reflects that to me. That in turn gives me confidence. "

“I rely on my belief – that a loving divine intelligence made me who I am for a reason. I would rather trust in this Upper Force (which produced all the wonders I see around me every day) than trust my own little noise, doubt, fear, or judgment! I'm pretty sure it knows better than me! "

8. Take small steps

Not feeling safe about doing what you really want to do in life?

Stop thinking about the size of the bigger picture and trust that you will always take one small step forward and see what happens …

“When I did something new, I was confident because I never went head over heels. I always start small and take small steps, experiment and take small risks. If it looks okay, I'll continue. "

“Inspiration comes to mind with the idea of ​​a small step that I could take. So it's like if intuition or creative inspiration is showing me something easier to get started with, where I don't have to worry about the size of the bigger picture. "

9. Regular connection to your inner self

It is important to regularly adjust to your inner self …

“Cultivating and balancing my inner and outer world has made a significant difference in maintaining and building on my trust. The more I connect (inwardly) with the truth of who I am, my spiritual essence, divinity and my heart, the more In peace and ease and connected I am with ME … as a result, my outside world, including my work, my expression is rooted , my relationships and my contribution, in my trust and deeper knowledge of who I am. "

"I go to work every day, 1 hour alone, to" have time "so that I can think, think about things, feel connected to myself and it definitely calibrates me for the day."

9 Tips On How To Use This Recipe To Build Your Confidence

The following coaching video will give you a practical tip for each of the 9 topics above that can be immediately applied in YOUR life to increase your self-confidence.

We cover the following in the video:

A short tip on how you can unconditionally accept
A simple mindset change that you can apply today that will increase your confidence
The Easiest Way to bring more positive people and praise into your life
A guaranteed risk-free way to do what you love right now
The simple change of attitude about risk and failure that will increase your confidence
A reflection exercise that reduces your anxiety and instantly increases your self-esteem
A little ritual of faith that you can use (I do this all the time) that is like to put yourself in the infinite source of power of all trust!
How can you within the next 7 days receive evidence of your increased confidence as proof that you are the person you were born to be!
The unconstrained path to staying on track to live your own unique life (soul!) Travel with confidence (in a world where most people are constantly comparing themselves to others!)

If you prefer to dive right into the tips most relevant to your needs without watching the full coaching video, simply click here to receive this free training in a series of shorter videos ending in Grade 9 individual tips are divided.

Inject yourself confident energy daily

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