Today is Good Friday.

It is a very important day for Christians all over the world.

It was a very busy day for me.

We had Church that morning, I had to pick up Hayden from work in the early afternoon, and then tonight he was border referee for a local soccer game.

The youth led our service, so Madison was asked to be on the welcome team and help greet people at the door.

That meant that I had to be there an hour earlier, which seemed annoying at first.

But there is a national park at the back of the school compound where our church meets, so I dropped Mads and Logan off and took a nice walk through the bush.

As I went on, I had time to think.

I have to be very grateful.

I have a wonderful family. We have our moments but we love each other and have been on an amazing journey together and so much more is to come.

I have a wonderful job. I like the people I work with and we've achieved a lot together so far.

I have a wonderful house. I love our home and the location is brilliant. Moving to a regional city has been a fantastic change for our family.

There is so much more to list. Good health, a great church, the wonderful weather and tomorrow I can run my 50th park run.

But above all it is the opportunity for me to think about what Jesus did for me.

He loves me.

He died for me.

He did everything possible to restore a relationship with his father.

He came to give me life.

Life in all its fullness and abundance.

And the good news is that he did that for all of us.

What a Good Friday.

Thank you, Jesus.


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