"Everyone thinks about changing the world, but nobody thinks about changing themselves." ~ Leo Tolstoy

Every day is the same. I am stiff every day. I am tired every day. These are the two most important things that people with fibromyalgia deal with. This has been the case for a few years. Six to be exact.

Suddenly I had so many difficulties: no job, no income, no friends, dealing with an emotionally immature / narcissistic mother and no life where I want to live. All of this makes me sleep badly.

It was all chaotic and stressful and has not helped my fibro or has been helpful since I discovered my highly sensitive personality trait a year and a half ago.

I read that when you have fibro, you are often depressed. However, everyone would feel mentally in the garbage dumps if they experienced these painful sensations all the time. Then for a while I started to believe that maybe I was really depressed. After all, I met all the criteria.

So I jumped on the free 7 Cup listener service. I've been using it for almost two months and it helped me a bit. It's good to have a safe place to vent, hear, and feel validated. It's also nice to know that someone is actively listening to what you are saying. Despite this intervention, I had days when I felt down.

Today, however, the clouds separated.

I have a video of Dr. K seen about congruent depression.

It is a kind of affective depression that occurs :

– When you find yourself in a situation that you cannot control or over which you have little control

– When you have no fulfilling purpose

– When something is missing in your life

This type of depression is actually normal. You experience a very human reaction to a number of negative situations over which you have no power. It is your body that tells you that something has to change.

It can also happen when you feel that you have no direction or when the paths you have taken have always led to poor results.

Congruent depression can be resolved by doing the following:

1. Find some purpose.

The purpose of life is complex nowadays and our brain has not caught up. Very little physical labor is required to survive. Most of us don't have to chop wood, work in fields or trudge back and forth to a well, and I'm pretty sure no one is riding on dirt roads. Finding a real purpose is harder when you really don't have to do anything because one machine does everything.

But we can still find meaning by working on something that is personally important to us, fighting for causes we believe in, finding ways to help other people, and pursuing our interests and passions.

2. Connect with people (to distract loneliness).

As humans, we are wired to be social / connect, but our modern digital world doesn't help. We're the most connected we could ever have imagined, but we're very disconnected. In addition to social media, I believe this is another contributing factor to the rising suicide rates.

We need to connect with friends and family – face to face. And we need to be really present with them, honest with them and open to their honest feelings so that we can connect on a deeper level. If we cannot connect face to face, the virtual connection will work properly as long as physical distance does not become emotional distance. Because of this, I try to post more on social media so I can really connect with people and feel less alienated.

3. Find a way to deal with boring boredom (without gaming, binge watching, social media, etc.)

Our leisure activities in the hyperdigital age are all about consumption, not creation. There is less painting, playing instruments, working with our hands – things that bring joy and pleasure to the person and society as a whole.

Find a hobby to immerse yourself in, something physically engaging and maybe even creative – something that will get you out of your head and into a state of flux.

4. Address the problems that contribute to your feeling of helplessness.

Relocate, find another job, or break up toxic relationships if these things contribute to your depression. Neither of these things are easy, but just taking steps to bring about positive change can make you feel empowered and have more control over your life.

I am actually considering moving sometime until there are COVID updates and my health as I know that it would go a long way towards improving my state of mind.

5. Focus on self-discovery / self-help.

Uncover your past traumas and commit to healing. Work on identifying and overcoming limiting beliefs. Discover how to sabotage or hold back yourself so you can get past the blocks that are holding you on.

You can only find peace and happiness if you learn something about yourself without input from other prejudices or judgments.

* Self-help measures are free and abundant these days. There are eBooks, podcasts, YouTube channels, blogs, websites and Facebook groups to help you grow. You can also use astrology, the Myers-Briggs type indicator, and the enneagram to help you see yourself better on an individual level. Personally, I have used astrology and tarot to understand myself and have found both to be very helpful. I love the book Becoming Bulletproof by Evy Poumpouras.

You can take any prescriptions you want and all therapy out there, but for many these are expensive, time-consuming patches. You're not fixing what's actually wrong – trauma from growing up with abusive parents, the drudgery of having a dead-end job you hate, the pain of staying with a fraudulent spouse, etc.

That does not mean that taking medication or therapy is wrong. However, if you are on therapy and on medication and nothing seems to be improving, you need to do more. You actually have to make changes in relationships, jobs, and lifestyles to really feel different.

Medicines and therapies are only tools to help you to find a better position in the physiological and psychological sense. The rest is really up to you.

About Jade B

Jade is a mother cat from Ontario, Canada. She has a BA in History and is a full-time guest contributing writer for numerous websites. You can find her website at jadebaldwriter.weebly.com and her eBook She & # 39; s Sensitive on Amazon KDP.

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