In church last weekend we were reminded by our pastor from James 1:19 that

"Everyone should listen quickly, speak slowly and slowly get angry."

It's a simple quote from a long time ago that has never been more relevant.

Too often we absolutely want to be heard.

We think that our opinion is more important than others.

We live in echo chambers and only listen to people who look and sound like us and who confirm us.

And we get indignant and angry when we don't assert ourselves or are insulted in the most insignificant way.

The solution?

Listen quickly.

For those who are close to us.

And for those who have a completely different background and a completely different perspective.

Speak slowly.

Sounding smartest or being right every time is not a competition.

Get angry slowly.

Don't be outraged.

Do not start attribution.

Don't make the world angry, it's as angry as it is.

Let's practice quickly, slowly, slowly and make the world a better place.


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