Hello friends! On this long vacation weekend, I decided to take a break from the much-needed self-care that we can all now imagine.

We have all been pushed, stretched and challenged this year. We've all done our best, done our best and sometimes wondered if it's good enough.

That's the thing in difficult times – we often make it so much more difficult by expecting a lot from ourselves, exerting ourselves and beating ourselves up when we fall short.

We expect that we will always be happy. Or productive. Or confident. Or present. Or there for other people.

We expect that we will always be at the top of the game, even if we are sometimes at the bottom of our priority list.

But we may not always be all of these things because we are not perfect, we are human. And being human means being chaotic, inconsistent and full of contradictions. To have days when we throw it out of the park and days when we stare at the park from our window. In pajamas. With chocolate stains. If we even make it to the window.

If you can relate to anything I wrote above – if you are sticking to a ridiculously high standard, pushing yourself to the point of exhaustion, or making an effort to be everything for everyone – take a few minutes to ponder these twenty self care quotes. Read them, pick them up, carry them into your day. Because you deserve a break. And you need it to feel and do your best.

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