"Sometimes music is the only thing that distracts you from everything else." ~ Unknown

All major art forms can be a way to experience a deeper part of ourselves, but there is something unique about music. Perhaps it's because music is a frequency with no physical form so it can easily become a route into the formless realms of intuition and our higher selves or soul. We may never know for sure, but it's clear that music has a powerful impact.

I have had experiences when I felt whole, connected and complete while listening to music. However, for a long time I was not aware of these experiences.

I can remember driving my car, listening to my favorite songs and being "transported" somewhere. It was an experience of complete euphoria and wholeness. At the time, these were mostly unconscious experiences, and all I was aware of while listening was that I was feeling good.

When I began to develop and use my intuitive abilities, I began to have many conscious experiences with my higher self. It was only with this reference point that I realized how often I connected to my higher self while listening to music. It was the same experience!

Not all music will feel like a spiritual experience and the pieces that do will be specific to the person listening as we are all unique. You may have said, without thinking much about it, that a particular song "speaks to your soul". It does, and you should pay attention to the helpful guide.

Have you ever heard a song and then repeated it all day or even for a week? I sure have done it many times. It seems like every time I play a favorite tune, my heart opens a little more to reveal hidden emotions and desires. These are the types of moments and songs that you would like to watch to see what your inner wisdom is showing you.

In the past four months I have been listening to some of my favorite 1980s music atypically. "Time After Time" by Cyndi Lauper, "Hazy Shade of Winter" by The Bangles, "Cherish" by Madonna, to name a few. Even recent songs with an 80s feel are at the top of my playlists.

I began to internally investigate why the sudden 80's music went crazy in my life when I received the knowledge from my higher self that I was homesick and needed to talk more to my family. Then I started remembering childhood scenes where I played with family and friends from the neighborhood.

I was in my founding years during this decade and my siblings still lived at home. The 1980s was the only decade my entire family lived in the house before my older siblings moved away. It was a fun and joyful time in my life.

All of my family now live across the country and I live in Hawaii. We usually travel several times a year to see each other, but not this year because of the pandemic. I have suppressed the sadness of not being able to travel easily and safely to see my loved ones without realizing it for many months.

The 80s binge that I experienced in recent months was a way for me to express this sadness and experience the childhood nostalgia associated with this genre of music. As my higher self revealed the deeper feelings about my recent addiction to '80s music, I started turning more to my family, which added to my feelings of isolation.

The next time you listen to this music, take some time to think internally about what is happening and whether a high level of intuitive information is being input. What I mean by high levels is the direct guidance that comes from your higher self or soul.

There are ways to tell whether you are receiving intuitive guidance from your higher self while listening to music. You can immediately observe certain characteristics that indicate that you are receiving soul level information.

For example, always accept and love intuitive information from your higher self. This loving feeling is inclusive and does not make either of you feel left out or unworthy. Soul level leadership will not be accompanied by harsh judgments and feelings of guilt.

Another characteristic of information at the soul level is that it often comes in very quietly. You may have heard phrases like "whisper of the soul" or "the still inner voice". This is often the case when your soul is speaking. Music naturally calms your mind, creating a calmer inner environment for higher guidance.

The guidance from your higher self is wrapped in peace. I notice that this peace is often there when listening to music that I love. Even when a song's message is heartbreaking, it still rides a wave of peace as it speaks to my soul.

Being in motion while listening to music, like on a bike ride or while dancing, can enhance this experience of connection with intuitive information at the soul level. Movement helps to “loosen up” your spiritual body so that you can become more open and receptive. Often times, intuitive information becomes conscious when the physical body is moving, especially when you are relaxed.

If you've ever had a revelation with your earbuds, on a jog or an elliptical – with your mind, blood pumps, and heart open – you know what I mean.

A relaxed nervous system is important in order to hear a high level of intuitive information. When the nervous system is on high alert, your internal environment is very noisy. Information coming from the higher self is gentle and calm. So a relaxed nervous system creates a space in you in which you can hear the guidance of your soul.

Listening to music while exercising outdoors is a great combination for hearing your intuition. We are closely connected to the natural environment, and when you exercise outdoors in beautiful locations, your body's nervous system is naturally soothed and relaxed.

I suspect you have already experienced this. You're at the beach or in a park, your earphones create a perfect soundtrack to the beautiful, peaceful landscape, and suddenly life becomes clearer.

Unless you live in an outdoor location with lots of natural beauty, play relaxing or heart-opening music on headphones and go for a walk. Do what you can to create a peaceful inner environment while you move.

If you cannot move, take a long bath or sit near a body of water. Make the environment pleasant by lighting a candle or playing your favorite calming music. Water is a powerful flow for intuitive information. You will be surprised how much intuitive guidance comes through in these therapeutic settings.

I have had many revelations in the tub or after a swim in the sea. I often get into a body of water when I feel distracted, anxious, or confused. After soaking for a while, my nerves and mind will relax and the next step I'm looking for will appear.

Whether you are listening to music during exercise, at a concert, or while lounging around the house, I recommend that you think about the types of intuitive messages you get while listening. Is your higher self calling you to take a different perspective, forgive, or acknowledge your true feelings for something?

If you love lyrics, pay attention to the words you are attracted to and write down what is happening in your life right now. Are the two related? I tend to listen to instrumental songs. I feel like they are giving me a blank canvas to interpret the guidance at the soul level more clearly. You might find that too.

You want to write down the soul level information that you receive while listening to music, apply it to your life and then examine whether it is of value to you. You can measure worth by whether something is uplifting, useful, and helping you gain character.

Remember that if you closely observe your inner environment while listening to your favorite songs, you can intuitively reveal what your soul is saying to you. And then you can react to it and change your life.

About Marie Christine

Marie Christine, M. A. in Spiritual Psychology, is an intuitive counselor and educator in Hawaii. As an experienced counselor, she gives compassionate, supportive and uncomplicated answers to your life questions by attuning to your intuitive realm and listening to your unique and invaluable inner wisdom. Marie's informative Intuition Blog shows clear guidelines and step-by-step approaches on how to hear your intuition for daily guidance and support.

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