Tonight I came across this wonderful quote from Michael Josephson:

“The world has enough beautiful mountains and meadows, spectacular skies and calm lakes. It has enough lush forests, flowering fields and sandy beaches. It has many stars and promises a new sunrise and sunset every day.

What the world needs more are people who appreciate and enjoy it. "

This has been a tough year for many of us.

But there are still many aspects of life that we can appreciate and enjoy.

For some it is the great outdoors.

For others, it's family time.

Maybe it is the knowledge that you are loved.

Or simply the opportunity to make a positive difference in the people around us.

A sumptuous meal, the laughter of children, a great book, a classic album, the list goes on and is different for everyone.

In my experience, I don't have to look too closely to find things for which I am grateful.

But I have to remember to appreciate and enjoy it more.

What are you grateful for today?


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