
Restarting a sporting event during the pandemic and in accordance with national and local restrictions is a challenging task. Even if the rules are relaxed, we all want to make sure we reduce potential transmission as much as possible.

We also need to consider the negative effects and effects of social distancing on the performance of athletes and players. In this new Physioplus course Brent Grimsley guides you through everything you need to know to make your sporting activities as safe as possible and to ensure that the athletes are effectively active again.

Brent is an experienced sports physio who has experience working with various sports rules for regional, national and international teams and athletes. He has experience in both Paralympic and Olympic Games and is Director and Chief Physiotherapist at Prime Human Performance.

The learning outcomes for this course are simple. At the end of the course you can:

Correctly identify the effects of Covid-19 on athletes and the practical and medical considerations for resuming sport in different groups of athletes
Discuss the effects of withdrawal on the neuromuscular, cardiovascular, and musculoskeletal systems of athletes
Design tiered return-to-play strategies for different athlete populations per case presentation
Return to sport during the pandemic
 Return to sport during the Covid-19 "width =" 150 "height =" 150 "/> The COVID-19 pandemic has widespread exercise and Disruption of competition causes Athletes had limited or variable access to training facilities and equipment, and many athletes around the world were severely restricted in their training and training schedules. A major concern worldwide is the maintenance of key physical characteristics and condition. Changes in body composition occur during periods of reduced training and this can affect an athlete's performance and risk of injury when training and competition are resumed Strategies must be in place to promote a safe, reasonable, and progressive return of all athletes to play.

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