How often do you feel aroused, grounded, and excited for the day you finish your morning routine?
And what is your morning routine?
Are you one of those people who sleep as late as possible, hammer coffee and a processed breakfast, and then go to work on time? (No judgment – I was there! Java petrol station and Pop Tarts for the win!)
Or do you allow yourself a cushion of time so that you can put yourself in the position of your day centered and strengthened through a combination of self-care activities?
Over the past few years I've leaned toward the latter because knowing how I spend my mornings sets the tone for the rest of my day.
Admittedly, some days it is easier than others. When things are going well and I am feeling good about myself and my life, it isn't too difficult to do things that are good for me even if I only have a few minutes to spare.
But when we are not feeling well, we need most self-care. Especially in the morning when our decisions have immense power to shape the twenty-four hours ahead of us.
For me the most important choice is to practice mindfulness.
Mindfulness is essentially a non-judgmental awareness of the present moment. It's just where you are. Ground yourself in your body and choose to let thoughts pass naturally instead of getting caught up in them.
It is a great exercise anytime of the day, but especially in the morning, as it allows you to generate the energy you need for the tasks and interactions ahead.
There are unlimited ways to practice mindfulness, but here are some of my favorites:
1. Mindful check-in
I imagine a lot of us jumping out of bed and walking into the morning without actually checking in to see how we are feeling.
Check in to see how your body feels – if you're holding tension somewhere or if any part of your body needs a little more love, whether that means stretching your legs or getting a hand massage.
Check in to see how you are feeling mentally and emotionally – when you are afraid of something that is coming, or when you hold onto thoughts or regrets about yesterday that you could possibly work through with a little journaling.
And above all you ask yourself: What do I need? It might not be what you needed yesterday. You may need to chug some water, bond with someone you love, or listen to a song that will always make you smile. None of these things take that long, but they can all make a huge difference.
2. Mindful morning mantra
Because I want my son to feel excited about his days and know that he is a valuable person, I have gotten into the habit of saying to him as soon as I wake up: “Welcome to the day, the day is lucky, you to have! "(I probably sound like the Peanuts teacher now because he's one and a half, but in time he'll get it!)
Recently it occurred to me that I could tell myself this easily, either in the mirror or just in my head when I first open my eyes. So I tell myself this, take a few deep breaths, and let these words marinate in my brain.
It's a much nicer greeting for the morning than a bright screen on my face. And it's a way of proactively and mindfully promoting what I want to feel: excited, valued, and confident.
3. Mindful shower
Our morning shower is a perfect opportunity to get in touch with our senses, clear our minds and visualize our worries that wash down the drain. That's why I've added a free bonus titled "How to Make Your Morning Shower Mindful, Blissful, and Rejuvenating" in my new mindfulness kit. That's why I also included a lavender shower gel.
Whenever we involve our senses, we are drawn into the present moment, and there is no stronger sense than the sense of smell. The part of the brain that processes smells is linked to the part of the brain that is linked to memory and emotions. Which means that the right fragrance can provide comfort, calm, and healing. Lavender in particular is not only relaxing, it is scientifically proven to help relieve anxiety and a range of physical ailments.
Perhaps you like a different fragrance. You may prefer hot or cold showers, or a combination. What is important is that you allow yourself to be fully present with the experience – to feel the water flowing down your back, to tune in to the sound of the drops falling on the floor, and to give yourself that time to just be in this moment loneliness.
4. Intentional practice
Many of us get our days off with long to-do lists and it can easily be overwhelming.
I want to set a morning intent based on both doing and being as this reminds me of what is really important and takes the focus away from productivity. And I like to do this while practicing deep breathing and watching the flame dance on my favorite candle (another exercise I recommend in my mindfulness kit).
For example, you might set an intention to do an act of kindness and be gentle with yourself. Then you will feel a sense of completion when you complete the act of kindness, and not only will you feel good when you do, you will also feel good no matter what else you do for you will honor yours Intention to be gentle with yourself.
5. Mindful breakfast
Especially in the morning when we have a lot to do and maybe get to it quickly, it is easy to peel our food without actually trying it. And I always remember how stupid that is. It's not that enjoying our food takes a long time. It literally adds seconds to the experience – a few extra minutes at most.
In my family we joke that we don't chew our food, we just swallow it. So here I start. I chew more. I fully taste what I eat. I close my eyes like it's some super decadent chocolate.
Choose to eat without multitasking – neither the phone nor the television is on in the background. And give yourself permission to just enjoy eating. Like when you were a kid and after an hour of begging you finally got an ice cream cone. You took big, long licks, you let it drip down your hand, maybe you growled when someone asked if they could try because you were exactly that.
You can also imagine that this will be the last time you will have that particular meal. I find mindful eating much easier!
6. Yoga or stretching
If I could do a one hour yoga class every morning I would, because nothing feels as good to my mind and body as yoga. It's like a mental cleanse and a really good full body yawn stretch at once. (Do you do that too – yawn-stretch?) It releases tension in both the mind and body and creates a feeling of lightness everywhere.
If, like me, you don't have time for a full class, you can instead do some energizing poses while focusing on your breath. Yoga Journal has a great list of recommendations here. Or, you could just stretch as you feel comfortable and breathe deeply as you move your body.
7. Gratitude journal
You probably see this suggestion often, and for good reason: Realizing our blessings raises our moods, increases our general life satisfaction, and makes us feel more optimistic. When you find things that you should cherish, even when life feels tough or stressful, it's like putting the spotlight on all the reasons that make life worth living and highlighting everything that hurts.
However, you don't need to put a pen to paper to take advantage of the benefits. You can write one thing down and put it in a gratitude jar so you can grab a random blessing anytime you need a pick-me-up. You can share a morning blessing on social media to connect with other people. Or you could try the email approach I recently took with my sister …
Although we did not keep it up for long, for a short while we sent each other an email every day that we were grateful for, that we were happy for and that we were proud of. I found it was a great way to help each other be our best selves and nurture positive emotions.
Let's be honest: every day is different and some mornings are more difficult than others.
Sometimes we wake up wishing yesterday was a dream and hope that today is over quickly.
Sometimes we wake up feeling indifferent to the twenty-four hours because we are just not excited about our day.
And sometimes we wake up eager and motivated, excited about the day ahead and ready to make the most of it.
This is life for all of us. This is the full range of human experience, all kinds of days mixed up like white spots floating around in a snow globe.
We cannot control that our life is always in flux and that we do not always wake up happy or positive. But we can choose to do something every morning that will allow us to do our best with whatever it is.
And everything starts with mindfulness. Coming home to our body. Give us permission to be simple. And then, when we feel a strong sense of stability within us, we go out into the world to do it. Whatever we do. Ready to find the joy in our time and to know that we can deal with whatever is to come.
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