"The great benefit of life is to spend it on something that will outlast it." ~ William James

I'll never forget the call.

It was 1989, and like most college students, I was spending my winter break in Florida in search of some sun. Getting off the plane and being greeted by a warm blast of air was the best. When I walked into the terminal, I had the added benefit of being greeted by my maternal grandparents who lived in North Miami Beach.

Lounging by the pool, going for a walk with them or eating out, the experience was a wonderful opportunity to decompress after an intense phase of the finale.

Although the oldest of six children had the responsibilities of an older brother, life was great and my worries were minimal.

On that warm Wednesday afternoon in January, my grandparents and I spent the morning by the pool. We were just getting back when we received a call that would change my life forever: My mother had suffered a brain aneurysm.

She was just forty-four years old. How could that happen? We spoke only yesterday, she laughed, and now, within forty-eight hours, she had died, leaving her parents, husband, and six children aged eight to twenty-one to mourn her loss.

My world – our world – was instantly turned upside down.

We don't like to think about it, but the truth is, our lives can change in an instant, as I so powerfully discovered back then. Reading this now is no guarantee that you will be here tomorrow. The question is whether or not we will do the utmost with the remaining time today. Nobody on their deathbed is asking for more money; they ask for more meaning.

In the words of Bob Marley: "Live for yourself and you will live in vain, live for others and you will live again."

Our actions affect others. "What will your legacy be?" is a question we all need to ponder. It is an opportunity to look at past and present actions and vow to make positive changes that affect not only ourselves and our current families, but potentially future generations as well. The seeds, positive or negative, that we plant today can make a huge difference.

It is important to understand that no matter what happens in the world today, the first place we look is within ourselves. We have to ask the following questions every day:

1. What did I do today to uplift another person?

2. Is it possible that I could have done more, given more or listened more to my surroundings?

Take a quiet hour and dig deep inside. Who are you? Who do you wanna be If you could only speak one more time, what would you say? Why don't you say it now

When I wake up in the morning, I recite a prayer not only in my belief in a higher power, but also in the knowledge that the new day, unlike yesterday or tomorrow, is endowed with new possibilities for eternal effect. This awareness inspires me to use the day and look for ways to unleash friendliness at every encounter, because I will not go this path again.

If you want to create a life that will serve your purpose and leave the world in a better place, if you want to create a legacy, here are some suggestions.

1. Be an agent of kindness.

What can you do to prepare someone for the day when you go to your local cafe or go to work? Pay for coffee for the person behind you? Smile and make eye contact with someone who walks by in the hall? Perhaps the person had a tough day and by acknowledging them, you have influenced their life.

2. Make bold decisions.

We make decisions big and small every day, and some are easier than others. After thinking about it, many people regret the things they didn't do. When we die, we are measured not by someone else's life, but by our own potential. Have we done our best with the hand that has been given to us? Every morning, wake up and choose one good deed that you are going to do that day, and then do it.

3. Use meditative moments.

Meditate every day to reflect on your own humanity. Use prayers or poems or your own journal writing to reflect on who you are, what relationships you have, and what you have done to make an impact. This gives you a chance to think about what you did well and what you need to correct.

4. Find faith.

The sources of our faith can lie in a higher power, in ourselves or in friends or a spouse who believes in us more than we do in ourselves. We all need cheerleaders in life. Who is yours

5. Inspired live.

Inspired living is based on the awareness that life can change in an instant. Don't take anything for granted or assume that you owe anything. Start a gratitude journal that lists new blessings each day. Use the full potential of this day.

6. Discover your renewable energies.

Identify your talents and skills and what makes you smile. When do you feel most alive? Remember that your life is a gift with infinite potential.

Sometimes we think we need to be on the world stage to make a difference, but the truth is that we all have the option to choose between harm and healing. Your life is a candle. You are a flame You can light thousands of lights in your world every day by intentionally building your own heritage.

Remember that you may not be able to change the whole world, but you can change a person's whole world … and maybe many more.

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