“Your vision only becomes clear when you look into your own heart. Who looks outside, who looks inside, awakens. "~ Carl Jung

Dear introvert,

We live in an extraverted world that is not always introverted. You may be the introvert who was bullied for keeping quiet or who felt like you never fit in. Perhaps you used food, alcohol, or substances to numb the pain, which was causing its own problems.

First and foremost, know that you are as perfect as you are.

Being an introvert does not make you strange, awkward, antisocial or too sensitive. It doesn't mean you are aloof or afraid to be social. Many introverts crave connections and relationships, but they are most comfortable in smaller settings or for shorter periods of time, so they need downtime.

Carl Jung, who identified introversion as a personality style, talked about introversion in relation to how people gain energy. Introverts, he said, divert energy by connecting inward; they reflect first and act with clarity.

There are many myths about introverts and it is sometimes difficult to know what is true. It's also easy to use these myths against yourself and create a story where something is wrong with you.

I see – I was there. It took me about half a decade to know that I was okay as an introvert.

When I got into my order and accepted Buddhist concepts like nonjudgment, something strange and wonderful happened. I've noticed that a lot of introverts have amazing super powers and I'd like to share these with you.

Whether they all resonate or just some, calming this inner critic and reinforcing your inner cheerleader can help you accept and love who you are.

10 introverted superpowers that make you astonishing

1. Listening

Introverts may prefer to stand on the sidelines, but they are seldom incapacitated. Indeed, listening is an exceptional strength in a world where many people crowd to be the first to express an opinion.

2nd rest

Okay, at least in the eyes of others, introverts usually appear calm and relaxed. Internally, they may or may not freak out. This calm presence helps in many situations.

Thich Nhat Hanh tells a story of the Vietnamese refugee boats that were often hit by pirates. If even one person stayed calm on the boat, it was enough and showed everyone how to survive.

3. Written communication

Sitting back, thinking, and writing down my thoughts is a great way to share them. I prefer it sometimes, and maybe you do too. In school or in the business world, being able to communicate well in writing is definitely an asset.

4. Loyalty

While barriers can take a while to break down, introverts are loyal friends and supporters when they let others in and leave themselves vulnerable. When they have to express themselves about the behavior of others, the natural reluctance usually disappears. They are wild allies.

5. The gift of observation / eye for detail

Spend time with me and I will remember your favorite drink and whether you like your food hot or mild. I will probably make the guac that you enjoyed at the next meeting too. Is that you too? Observation and an eye for detail rock.

6. Independence

Introverts rarely need to be entertained. We can easily curl up with a good book, our dog or cat, or get hooked on Netflix.

7. Deep thinking

While you may or may not consider yourself a deep thinker, most introverts are more reflective. It has to do with the natural pause we take and the internal time in which we reflect on the current situation.

8. The ability to think before speaking.

This is closely related. This pause gives many introverts time to formulate an answer rather than just respond. This can make interactions feel "honest but friendly". I am proud to have received feedback myself. If you're not that likely to pause, it's worth a try.

9. Sensitivity

Sensitivity is one of those qualities that can give introverts a bad name, but why? Sensitivity is not the same as prickly or overly reactive. In fact, this suggests attuning to others that supports empathy.

10. The ability to engage people

When introverts speak, others listen. Because introverts stop babbling when they are comfortable entering into a conversation or are asked to do so, others listen. What comes out of it can be profound.

And so, dear introverted friends, you can see why I love to have you in my life. Hope you can learn to appreciate yourself as much as I can you!

About Heidi Dalzell

Heidi J. Dalzell, PsyD, is a clinical psychologist who specializes in eating disorders and trauma. Dr. Dalzell has a busy private practice that focuses on treating middle-aged eating disorders of all kinds. There is a particular interest in helping middle-aged women stop binge eating so that they can feel more secure and lead the life they want. Dr. Dalzell also offers courses / online coaching on eating disorders and is a prolific writer on topics related to eating disorders, body image, and spirituality.

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