In this powerful session with the guest expert Dr. Brad Nelson, let's talk about how to heal your body and life by letting go of trapped emotions.

Dr. Brad (D.C., ret.) Is an experienced holistic doctor and one of the world's leading experts in natural methods for achieving wellness. He has trained thousands of certified practitioners around the world to help people overcome physical and emotional ailments by releasing their emotional baggage. His best-selling book, The Emotion Code, provides step-by-step instructions on how to use the body's energy healing powers.

In this session, Dr. Brad:

Why he says that emotions are the cause of most physical stress.
How to determine if physical symptoms are related to emotional causes.
What energy healing is and how it works, including how the Emotion Code works and how its latest detailed system (The Body Code) works.
Why it is that some people are able to process and manage challenges and trauma in life while others experience long-lasting symptoms related to emotional distress.

PLUS: Additional highlights in this session that you don't want to miss …

Dr. Brad shares the secret of why the Emotion Code is so powerful for unleashing emotions and experiencing physical healing.
How a man was cured of back pain by releasing the trapped emotion of anger from his body and harnessing incredible benefits in his relationships!
How a woman who was hospitalized in severe pain for 5 days, then using The Body Code to find the source of her physical pain and heal herself.
How trapped emotions can weaken areas of the body and predispose the body to things like injury and health problems.
How self-awareness, processing your emotions, and a brighter mindset will help you move through life without so many trapped emotions and health problems.
Dr. Brad shares a powerful quote about life that could change your entire life experience!
See a live energy healing as Dr. Brad used the Emotion Code with Bernadette – to eradicate an inherited trapped emotion that affects 21 generations of their family!
Dr. Brad walks us through the Body Code app and how you can use muscle tests to communicate with your subconscious to determine which imbalances are causing or contributing to health problems, and how to correct imbalances.

The Emotion Code Starter Kit – Free

Begin Experiencing the Power of the Emotional Code for Healing with this gift from Dr. Brad for you:

Click here to get the Emotion Code Starter Kit for free >>

In this free resource by Dr. Brad get these incredible resources to assist you:

First 2 Chapters of the Emotion Code eBook – Start with the groundbreaking book that started an energy healing movement. Learn how to unleash the energy of trapped emotional distress for better health, abundance, and happiness.

The Emotional Code Printable Flowchart PDF – Want to feel the way you are again? Try these easy-to-understand, printable flowcharts for emotion codes. Follow the simple, step-by-step directions and you will find it easy to find and let go of your trapped emotions.

Introduction to Energy Healing: 8 Video Series – These videos introduce the basic concepts of energy healing that you can use to find out how to change your life for the better.

About Dr. Brad Nelson

Dr. Brad grew up in rural Montana and practically grew up on horseback. As a child, Dr. Brad from two life-threatening illnesses, both of which were not cured by traditional Western medicine but by separate alternative methods that harnessed the power of energy. Dr. Shape Brad's future life.

In college, Dr. Brad computer programming and opted for a career in business. Yet just six months before entering the MBA program at Brigham Young University, he had a revelation. “I asked God for guidance about my future. One night I woke up and my mind was overwhelmed with thoughts of serving humanity and humanity. The feelings were absolutely overwhelming, and when my head was full of thoughts of healing and help for the world, a crystal clear voice spoke to me and said, "This is a sacred calling."

As a reaction to this appointment, Dr. Brad entered Life Chiropractic College West in San Lorenzo, California in 1988. After graduating with honors, he began his practice as a holistic chiropractor and saw a wide variety of patients, many of them who had seemingly incurable conditions. “I remember my teachers saying that the brain is the most advanced computer in the known universe. And I thought, 'Wow. If the brain is really that supercomputer, how amazing it would be to access the data stored there to unlock keys that are helping these people heal. "

Through extensive studies in disciplines such as ancient medical practices, psychology and quantum physics, as well as the guidance of his own spiritual practice, Dr. Brad that packets of unprocessed emotions were the basis for most conditions. “The body is essentially energy, and emotions are also energy. When the energy of a negative emotion is trapped in the body, it affects the body's self-healing system. These trapped emotions are almost like tumors. At least they can hinder healing. At worst, they actually cause disease and physical problems. "

With this knowledge, Dr. Brad processes that have helped thousands of people achieve better wellbeing by learning to identify and release their trapped emotions. “I have developed a method to access the genius of the subconscious of my patients. Once the trapped emotion has been identified by the subconscious, we use the laws of energy and electromagnetic fields and use the relevant meridian to set it free. Although the process is based on fairly elaborate and subtle knowledge, we made it so simple that even a child can do it. “He calls the process the emotion code. A key element of the emotion code is removing emotional energies that have accumulated around the heart and affect the ability to find love and success. Dr. Brad called this group of emotions "Heart-Wall ™" and called it the "Most Important Discovery in the History of Energy Medicine."

Due to his phenomenal success, Dr. Brad attends patients from across the country and Canada. “At some point I developed a very strong feeling that people can do a lot to help themselves. I had a deep, driving urge to empower people. So I started teaching seminars in 1998 to do just that. "

Dr. Brad continued his private practice and teaching until 2004 when he realized that his method was intended for a wider audience. Dr. Brad sold his practice and devoted his time to writing his bestselling book, The Emotion Code: How To Release Your Trapped Emotions For Abundant Health, Love, and Happiness, which was first published in 2007. It has been revised and expanded. The issue of "The Emotion Code" is available now (May 2019, St. Martin & # 39; s Press).

“The success of this book was amazing to me. It taught me how powerful the written word is. There are now people on every continent and in almost every country who are using the emotion code to get rid of their own emotional baggage, and the best part is that they help their loved ones do the same. "

Today Dr. Brad one of the world's leading experts in natural methods for achieving wellness. He spends his time lecturing internationally, writing articles, and developing the next iteration of The Body Code and credentials programs for The Emotion Code and The Body Code practitioners.

Connect with Dr. Brad

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