Gradually spend your Health Education Workforce Development Fund in England with Physioplus Enterprise – an online platform that offers personalized online education and professional development with certified courses, podcasts, videos, and e-portfolio and telehealth solutions.

In early 2019, Health Education England (HEE) announced an increase in funding for CPD to allow employers to develop their existing workforce. This funding is approximately £ 300 per clinician per year over a three year period and is now ready for use. Money cannot be spent on mandatory training requirements or minimum CPD requirements to maintain registration. This is a clear statement of intent from HEE that offers all clinicians a tremendous opportunity to improve their daily practice. Physioplus is both great value for money and ensures that money is spent according to Health Education England requirements.

Learn more about Physioplus for Enterprise

Justification of the expenditure; Physioplus hits the mark

As with all government funding, employers who receive these funds are required to demonstrate how they are being used, and HEE has used its top five factors in workforce transformation as a guide to justify the expenditure. Offer Further training New roles New ways of working and Leadership . These key activators are directly related to the NHS 5 year forward view that forms the inner core of the stars.

Physioplus has covered every part of it with incomparable depth and breath of content that is uniquely to be found in one place.

Online courses from internationally recognized experts with direct access to them via questions and answers
National and regional networking opportunities through our forums, which can be tailored to your needs
Primary and secondary care with our content, which covers all common specialties that your doctors come across
The perfect mix of traditional and digital CPD activity, giving all employees an easy transition to new working methods
Take the CPD offline and combine the CPD using online theoretical videos with hands-on training that transforms local training offerings

Maximize productivity

Having your own one-of-a-kind team dashboard gives you unique insights and a better understanding of how your team members are learning and developing, so you can maximize monitoring and assessment time.

Smooth learning gaps between rotations by pre-highlighting important videos
Optimize the preparatory year by gaining access to reflective learning and leadership content at a crucial time for professional development
Give your specialist staff the opportunity to network with other specialists around the world

Access via your STP; Bring staff together

Access through your STP and for all AHPs is a real option. With your own private space and forums within the platform, your team can come together in new ways, grow as leaders, and work together to directly overcome system-wide problems . This is especially important in a post-COVID world where we need to act quickly and move in new directions. It's time for your teams to think tactically.

Supporting professional progress and enabling apprenticeships

Physioplus contains content that is suitable for all levels of experience and specialist knowledge. Support work, junior staff, specialists and advanced practitioners will find all the content that is relevant to them and their own development. Not only will this improve clinical outcomes, but it will also encourage recruitment and retention, as well as growth by encouraging new ways of working.

Our content is appropriate to ensure that return to work requirements are met
Some of our content will help advance workers and lead them to success as they are on their way to apprenticeship
A diverse collection of content opens up clinical arguments for your team for new ways of working
Help us to expand your team leadership skills with our specific leadership content

Every contact counts. Content to promote prevention

Physioplus focuses on the NHS 5 year forecast, which means that we can help you respond to calls for radical improvements in prevention and public health. In particular, our content exceeds their requirement to promote e-learning, as everything we do is online, evidence-based and quality assured. We have many courses that are accredited by Physiotherapy Affiliates around the world to demonstrate our commitment to quality.

Our constantly evolving platform

The Physioplus team never stands still. We are a team of physical therapists and like in clinical practice we are busy making things better for our service users which means we offer value for money and economy that is second to none. We are always open to ideas and are passionate about creating content that indirectly benefits patient results. So please discuss your needs with us.

The new gold standard

Physioplus really is the gold standard for integrating all of your training and development needs into your company. We set the standard for what is possible in the IT field of physiotherapy and you don't want to miss the opportunity to transform your organization.

Improve your team in new ways of working

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