As you may know, I am a huge fan of free online summits that bring together inspiring healers and teachers who can help us maintain presence and strengthen our resilience.

With this in mind, I am pleased to invite you to Practice in the Middle a FREE live online event that takes place on May 11th and 12th.

At the moment we are in the midst of a global pandemic, but in fact we are always "in the middle" of change – that is, when relationships change, we develop personally and face new challenges in every aspect of our lives.

We need a strong toolkit to navigate through the ups and downs of life attentively, with radical acceptance and with the deep knowledge that we are all connected and never alone.

This will be a LIVE event where 12 exceptional teachers interact in real time – leading practices, asking questions and working with you to create a supportive field of collective presence.

The livestreams will investigate:

How to rest in your own presence and non-reactivity amid fear and insecurity
How to open yourself in compassion and be guided by the intelligence of your heart
How to use all of your experiences – not grasping your emotions, but not bypassing them
Practices to take a look at your true nature that you can do amidst everything else
The emerging collective consciousness – how we connect and how we don't

There is a "virtual café" between the sessions, where you can take a short break with movement practices such as Chi Gong and breathing work. Or you can simply "chat" with like-minded people. Who knows, you could even find a new friend to share your practice with.

This free live event will take place on May 11th and 12th. However, you can access a repeat of all recordings on May 13th if you miss one.

When you register, four teachers give you instant access to a powerful video collection. These are not ordinary guided meditations, but short programs that will help you gain access to deeper and more resilient parts of your being.

Sounds like an event you would like? Register now here to reserve your place.

I hope you find the summit transformative and healing!

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