"At the end of life our questions are very simple: Have I lived fully? Did I love well? Jack Kornfield

When I was seven I almost died.

My family and I were at the main train station in Sydney, Australia to celebrate the last steam train that ever left the station.

It was about eight in the morning and I remember it well.

The train was on the platform and wanted to leave. I heard the engine whistle as the wheels began to chug and move so slowly.

My older brother and I were thrilled and decided that taking the train would be a great idea. We told mom and dad and they said they would meet us outside by the car later.

The train picked up speed and my brother and I started jogging next to it. Before we knew it, we ran. We sprinted shortly after.

I remember watching the train so clearly when I walked over the platform. The wagons were dark brown in wood and some of the windows were open. I remember one of the doors at the end of a car that opened and closed with every train hit.

Then I was outside.

The next thing I knew was that I was huddled in a crouched position literally inches from my face with the wheels of the train. I noticed that I was leaning hard against something solid. Then I realized that it was the platform.

I somehow fell into the gap between the platform and the train.

I thought to myself: "How did I end up here?"

The wheels rolled past me and I felt the breeze as if it wanted to suck me in. I crouched there, staring at the end of the train, waiting for it to finally happen to me.

After an apparent eternity, the train finally passed me and I was left there, crouched outdoors and everything around me started to get quiet.

I got up quickly and turned to the platform to see an elderly lady sitting on a bench with her hands around her mouth and her eyes wide open. She was completely shocked.

Before I knew it, my brother was with me and pulled me from the tracks onto the platform.

He put his arm around me and hurriedly went back to my parents. However, he quickly took his arm away from me and I noticed that there was blood on it. I realized that I was bleeding profusely from my head.

My parents were back in the car and when we ran towards them they looked a little confused, not sure why I was crying and why my brother looked shocked. My brother started to speak very quickly:

“We took the train and I was ahead of Brendan. I approached the end of the platform and stopped, and Brendan just ran towards me! He rolled over the platform and jabbed his head into the train and fell next to the tracks! "

We hurried to the hospital and sorted everything. I was very lucky. The doctor mentioned that I would most likely have died if it had been an electric train.

As I went through this experience, a number of thoughts went through my mind. Will i die Do I have brain damage? Will I still be able to do the things I want to do?

Then I had a few thoughts that really hit me harder. What have i done in my life Did I tell everyone how much I love them? Did my life matter at all?

I was only seven years old, but these thoughts and experiences had a profound impact on my way of life.

I realized that I was blessed to have a second chance in life. I wanted to make sure that my life matters. I wanted to make sure that I achieved something and tell those closest to me that I love them.

I started to focus on my personal development. Throughout my school days, I was determined to get good grades and perform well in sports. It was a success for me. The mind has always fascinated me and over the years I have had the dream of running my own company and training people in human behavior and performance.

However, I took the advice of my parents and society in general and found a secure job in the corporate world.

There were so many days in the organization that I asked myself, "Do I really make a difference?" And "Do I live fully?" And do you know what? I was not satisfied with my answer.

As the days went by and I asked myself these questions, I realized that I had to change and keep the promise I made when I was seven.

Although this is not an easy step, I have since left the corporate world and have the feeling of living more fully, making a bigger difference, and loving more openly in this world. I'm proud of that.

These are questions that I still live on today and that guide me in everything I do. I think those are the questions everyone will be asking when their time is nearing the end, and I encourage you to review these questions today and evolve regularly.

Did you love fully?

I believe that the people in your life are the most important thing for your happiness, your well-being and your ability to cope with changes in life. It is the people in your life who have made you what you are today.

Don't be afraid to tell those who are closest to you how much they mean to you. The more love and appreciation you show to others, the more love and appreciation you receive in return, which has a positive effect on your life and on the people around you.

Did you live fully?

I believe that we all have the strength and ability to do the things that matter most to us every day.

Don't be afraid to do the things you want to do. Take risks and live your life the way you always dreamed of.

It can be difficult to do, but with careful planning, support, and a few steps in the right direction, you will be able to live more fully as you wish. Experience life in everything it has to offer. Take on challenges, expand your comfort zone and be the best you can be in this world.

Did you make a difference?

I believe that we are all here to make a difference in this world.

I believe that we all have something – wisdom, wealth, or love – that we can share with others.

Don't be afraid to stand up for what you believe in and don't be afraid to make yourself vulnerable. It is this vulnerability that enables you to be who you really are and to demonstrate to the world what you believe in. There are others in the world who can benefit from what you can do or what you have to say.

Life is an amazing journey we are here to make a difference and support each other.

You don't have to wait for a near-death experience to do this. You can ask yourself these questions now. I can say for sure that it's worth it.

Only this week you can purchase 95% of Brendan's eCourse, Launch Your Life Academy, in Tiny Buddha's Best You, Best Life Bundle, which includes 20 powerful online tools for intent, love, self-care and more. The Launch Your Life Academy is full of expert training, exercises, tools, instructions and resources that you can use to create more passion, happiness and success in your life. Find out more here.

About Brendan Baker

Brendan Baker helps people who feel stuck at work, who don't like them, make a difference and earn an income by doing what they love. He writes about The Start of Happiness and created the Launch Your Life Academy to help people take action to live the life they always wanted.

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