I am often inspired by the stories of great athletes and put them on a pedestal for their competitive achievements.

We praise famous actors and musicians by clicking on articles that contain their names so we can keep up to date with their antics.

Politicians, inventors, military leaders, captains of industry. Some nobles, others less, because they are known and famous for their words and deeds.

But at the moment there is a group of people I want to recognize as real Australian heroes.

The brave men and women fighting fire in Victoria and New South Wales trying to save homes and lives from the tyranny of the terrible bushfire.

They are volunteers and despite their courage only seemingly normal men and women.

Except that it is not.

You are exceptional.

They take great risks to protect the rest of their neighbors.

They make massive sacrifices, sometimes the ultimate.

They are the ones we should make stories, songs and films about.

You are our true heroes.

The next few days will be particularly difficult, and I have many friends and colleagues who live along the way from these bush fires. So if you could spare a prayer or a thought, please think of our country firefighters.


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