Holidays can be a lot of fun, but let's face it, they can be stressful at times, especially if you spend them with the family. Surrounded by several generations of people, many with different perspectives and beliefs, it is easy to feel triggered or annoyed.

Then there are the challenges associated with going home, be it visiting a physical location or returning to the (possibly unhealthy) mental space that you occupied as a child.

And if you fall into old landmines, it is all the more frustrating because the holidays only take place once a year and are supposed to be happy, right?

If you expect conflict or drama today, take a few minutes to think about the following quotes (including some of my own). Maybe something will help you to create a little peace here – for yourself and the people around you.

20 quotes for a drama-free vacation

1. “The people who make us feel negative are ambassadors. They are messengers for the unhealed parts of us. "~ Teal Swan

2. "Nobody can make you inferior without your consent." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

3. "Be picky about your battles. Sometimes peace is better than right. "~ Unknown

4. "Be friendly to unfriendly people. They need it the most." ~ Unknown

5. "Don't let small things bother you, because if you do, you'll be angry all your life." ~ Unknown

6. "Practice the break. Take a break before you judge. Pause before acceptance. Pause before you blame. Take a break when you are about to react hard and avoid doing and saying things that you will regret later. "~ Lori Deschene

7. “No answer is an answer. And a powerful one. Remember. "~ Unknown

8. "If you cannot control what happens, challenge yourself to control how you react to what happens." Here is your power. "~ Unknown

9. "Make no assumptions. Find the courage to ask questions and express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as possible to avoid misunderstandings, sadness, and drama. With only this one agreement you can completely change your life. "~ Don Miguel Ruiz

10. “Always give people the benefit of doubt and do the same for yourself. Do you think you are trying and that you are trying. See the good in others so that they get the best out of you. "~ Liz Newman

11. "We don't have to agree on everything to be able to deal well with each other." ~ Unknown

12. "Be the person who breaks the cycle. When you have been judged, choose understanding. If you were rejected, choose Acceptance. If you were ashamed, choose compassion. Be the person you needed when you were injured, not the person who injured you. Swear to be better than what broke you – to heal rather than to be bitter so that you can act from your heart, not from your pain. "~ Lori Deschene

13. "Please do not try to judge how someone deals with a pain that you have never experienced before." ~ Unknown

14. "You don't need someone's affection or approval to be good enough. If someone rejects or gives you up or judges you, it's not really about you. It's about them and their own insecurities, limitations, and needs , and you don't have to internalize that. "~ Daniell Koepke

15. "Think before you speak, and don't say everything you think." ~ Alexander Lebed

16. "Most of the disagreements are due to different perceptions that created different realities." ~ Unknown

17. "The real sign of maturity is when someone hurts you and you try to understand their situation instead of hurting them back." ~ Unknown

18. “Never waste your time explaining who you are to people. You have committed to misunderstanding you. "~ Dream Hampton

19. "Without disrespect there can be disagreements." ~ Dean Jackson

20. “Instead of becoming defensive, just say thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. I will consider them. "~ Henry Cloud

Which of these quotes appeals to you the most? And do you need to add anything to the list?

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