Did you know that running is good for your mental health?

There is research showing that running improves mood, running relieves stress and promotes brain health. It was found that running increases the levels of norepinephrine in the body, a chemical that helps moderate the body's response to stress.

I discovered this firsthand when I started running years ago. I was never interested in running but decided to sign up for a 5k election in preparation for my wedding. I didn't expect that I would fall in love with running and how it would make me feel.

After doing the first 5 km, I knew I was addicted! Running made me feel strong and confident. I did various half marathons, marathons, a triathlon and finally started to train runners myself! I love the mental health benefits of running and that's what keeps me coming back.

So how can you start running if you want to experience the psychological benefits of running too? I'm sharing 5 tips to help you get started running.

5 tips for a beginner runner

1. Invest in the right pair of running shoes

The most important tip I always share with new runners is to invest in a pair of good quality running shoes. Many people refuse to get good shoes because they are usually expensive, but they are so important in avoiding injury. Investing in good footwear is an investment in your health.

I recommend professional shoe fitting in a running shop. Many running stores offer free running shoe customizations. They will discuss your goals with you in order to find a shoe that best suits your specific needs. They will diagnose your step, step and posture in order to find the best shoe for you!

2. Start by building a running routine

Sometimes the hardest part in building a new habit is just getting started! If you are interested in starting a running routine, you can add a walking routine to your schedule first.

This will help you establish an exercise habit. As soon as you have successfully incorporated walking into your everyday life, you can move on to the next step.

3. Make walk / run intervals

Don't be afraid to take a walk, especially at the beginning. Most people start running by doing walk / run intervals. This helps you to build up your stamina and slowly prepares you for longer distances.

Walking is also a great way to burn fat and aid recovery. Adding walks to your workout when you first start can be a great way to get you started with running.

4. Don't take in too much too quickly

The first time I tried running in college, I went out and sprinted as fast as I could. When I got back to my dorm, I basically collapsed because I was completely overwhelmed. That was the only run I did that year. I found running too hard and unfortunately didn't give him a chance for a few years.

When you first start running, you want to focus on the distance, not the pace. An easy way to get burned out quick is to overeat too quickly. Slow down. Be patient.

If you want running to be sustainable for you, you have to start slowly. If it feels too fast, it probably is!

5. Go on! Don't give up!

If you are new to running, it will likely feel very difficult to you. Don't give up!

When you run for the first time, it inevitably becomes uncomfortable because you are trying something new! Give him some time and be patient.

Your body will adjust and it will become lighter. Before you know it, you'll be feeling the runner's high and so happy that you had the determination to hold on to it long enough to see results!

Happy running!

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