"What is supposed to give light must endure the burning." ~ Viktor Frankl

The world is facing challenging times of crisis. Closed borders and travel bans, quarantine, lack of food, scary news and a lot of fear. Viruses do not care about our status, money or fame and spread from civil servants to famous actors.

Being human at the moment is not easy. My thoughts are with those who have lost a family member or friend. I can't imagine the pain of those struggling with mental or emotional illnesses during dramatic life changes. Some are struggling to put food on the table. Some have lost their jobs. Some are alone and fearful.

In turbulent times of stress, I feel worried, sad, and confused. In the meantime, I show up every day and do my best to help myself, my loved ones, and my church.

I keep up-to-date with reliable sources and stay away from negativity and drama. With all the poisonous news that we get through television and social media channels, inner work is required to keep us balanced and calm.

I know there are many things that are far beyond my control: earthquakes, tsunamis, rain, sunset, stock market, political changes, economies that are going to collapse, including this pandemic.

But one thing I can certainly manage myself, and that is my inner world: my actions, my thoughts, my feelings. The way I react to everything that happens outside of my interior is entirely up to me.

There is a lot of strength in hope and faith. A positive attitude strengthens our immune system with serotonin, the feel-good hormone. Feeling good keeps us healthy!

I choose to believe that we live in an intelligent universe in which everything happens for us, not for us. Without breakdown there is no breakthrough. I think we're all here, School of Life students, to learn from our experiences and become more resilient, wiser and stronger.

I asked myself the following question:

What message is life trying to give us? What is the blessing in disguise, the gain in pain?

Here are five positive lessons I've learned from this global crisis:

1. We have a lot to appreciate.

“Your ancestors were called to war. You are called to stay on your couch. You can do it. "That reminded me of my Facebook news feed recently.

Oh boy! That really helped put things in perspective.

A big thank you to medical staff around the world, these doctors, nurses who care for the sick and have sleep deprivation, while most of us are currently stuck in their own homes.

A big thank you to all employees in the grocery stores or to online deliveries these days. I see you and I appreciate what you are doing.

Because of this virus crisis, my family had to postpone our vacation – another wake-up call. There are so many things that I took for granted! Sound Health. The water and food supply. The internet and cable. The car. The shelter. The nice parties with my friends. The cafe. The gym subscription. The beauty salon. The freedom to travel and see the world. And so much more! I'm really grateful for all of this.

2. Everything is easier if we remain grounded in the now.

Life does not always go as planned. it can be very unpredictable. With so much confusion and uncertainty, staying on the ground can be a challenge. Especially for people like me who have tried for decades to have full control over everything and everything – how people acted or felt, what my future would look like and so on.

A panicked mind cannot see and think clearly, and fear sells well.

To be mindful means to recognize that our mind is full. So what is it full of right now?

Here are some of my concerns since the outbreak of this pandemic:

What if we end up having no food? How should I feed my baby?

What if my mother (who works in a hospital) gets sick?

What if our savings are ruined?

Such concerns are human. But we can always choose what kind of thoughts we let into our mind.

Whenever I am tormented by " What if" questions, I check the reasonableness of my thoughts. I wonder: is that true? How is this thought helping me right now? What would my life be like if I let go of that thought?

Questions like this help me to recognize that everything in the future is an illusion, a possibility and that my worries are not real. Whatever I fear, I'm not there yet.

I have to learn to trust the flow of life and surrender when the only reality is the time it will show.

3. Life is not just about doing something. it's also about being.

Today's modern society has made many of us doers, performers and performers. From an early age, we were conditioned to appreciate how well we do things in life. Most of us were brought up to deliver results, always run somewhere, always busy.

Most of us need a job, and money is a much needed tool to survive. But should our existence only be about our work? What if the ultimate purpose of our presence was just to be happy? No matter how, whether through the work we do or not?

Today I am a trainer, just like I am someone's wife, daughter, sister or friend. I wear a lot of hats and you too.

Most of us are currently receiving the gift of time. And what a golden good that is, because it means life and it never comes back!

Some people spend a lot of time with their loved ones. Call old friends. Read the good books on the waiting list. Play with their babies. Talk to your children, ask questions, listen to what they have to say. Cooking, baking, eating together. Play games and watch movies.

Some do yoga, pilates, dance. Spend time outdoors and clean your gardens. Play with their pets. Get creative. Paint, write, make art.

Others learn new skills and sign up for new courses. Watch interesting documentaries about Gaia or Netflix. Troubleshoot their houses from things they don't want, use or need.

Unable to go out, so many of us go inside. Sleep, charge, pray, meditate, diary. Think about what's important and what really makes us happy.

For many it is a transition from survival to life. In times of pain we are invited to learn new ways of being – to do less and to be more. Reconnect with our true human nature.

4. We are all one.

In a world with so much scarcity, hunger, poverty, divisions and wars we are reminded that we are all one against adversity.

In times of physical separation, it is a real blessing to remain emotionally connected. Unity, cooperation, giving, support, community, service, compassion, inclusion, empathy, cooperation – such human values ​​have never been as important as they are today. People around the world do so many kind acts!

In our community, some ask their neighbors if they need anything before going to the supermarket. These are the same people who hardly spoke to each other before this crisis.

Many today voluntarily free up their money and time to ensure that older people have everything they need. They share food, medication, essentials and essentials for babies. Support those who have neither savings nor income.

Some buy fresh flowers and groceries in the small shops around the corner. Buy vouchers and gift cards that will be used later to keep small businesses alive.

Teachers and tutors provide support for busy parents with children.

Museums offer free virtual tours. Famous singers invite their fans to live concerts from the intimate space of their living room.

Trainers, consultants, trainers, healers, spiritual teachers, and light workers offer resources to help people stay healthy, calm, and empowered. Collective meditations and prayers take place all over the world.

5. Challenges always lead to growth.

Real, sustainable growth takes place in challenging times that expand us, not when everything is nice and simple.

With so many children learning online today, we can predict a restructuring of the school system with a new perspective on homeschooling.

With so many bars, restaurants, and shopping malls closed (fewer distractions and alcohol, less consumerism), we're invited to spend less time and focus on what's inside.

Some people have lost their jobs, which is sad. However, many had problems with jobs that they hated and in which they did not believe – a new opportunity to find something meaningful that would bring them real joy and fulfillment. A great time to find brainstorming opportunities and new business opportunities.

Managers in the corporate world see that they can keep their business going without unnecessary meetings and trips.

Reduced traffic means fewer cars, subways and planes. Less rubbish on the streets. Make water and air cleaner. Our tired planet takes a deep breath. Mother Earth heals.

Let us not only keep our hands clean, but also shower and do it often. In most countries, this is the spring season, which reminds us that all ends are new beginnings and this will also pass. It is a time for evolution, creativity and connection. Let's be the light we want to see in the world and press the reset button. Let's make a big leap from fear to love.

About Sara Fabian her calling and a meaningful life full of intentions. For useful tips and inspiration, subscribe to her free newsletter at sarafabiancoaching.com and follow her on Facebook or Instagram.

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