He is the most impressive author I have ever read, and the depth of his wisdom always amazes me. The renowned Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl Jung founded the discipline of analytical psychology. His education was truly unique – biology, psychology, mythology, religion, literature, philosophy, anthropology and much more. I have collected these wise and profoundly human Carl Jung Quotes to give you an insight into his incredible insights into psychology and personality transformation.

First a brilliant student of Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung has studied in depth the relationships between biology and psychology. Although many thought he would continue Freud's work on psychoanalysis, they both had very different ideas. Jung had brilliant own concepts that challenged his teacher to core subjects. It is not surprising that different personalities and points of view led to many arguments that ended fruitful cooperation and friendship.

The central thought of analytic psychology is the individual's quest for wholeness, which is very similar to the hero's mythological journey. The core concepts of Carl Jung include individuation, symbols, archetypes, the personal unconscious, the collective unconscious, the shadow, the anima and the animus, as well as the self. His ideas and methods are highly creative and he established the practice of creating art as a central part of psychological development.

Carl Jung studied extensively mythology and religion to establish central patterns that are common to all people. This prompted him to travel the world and live among indigenous tribes in Africa and the US, and he delved deep into these cultures. Jung also explored the unconscious with active imagination, a technique he developed. He has written many volumes about his work – incredibly difficult but very rewarding to read – and a great deal of scientific work.

His work has made the lives of countless people more complete, more confident and resilient to individuals. Jungian psychology is the foundation for an incredible amount of research and development, although academic psychology remains a long way from its own.

If you want to enter the world of analytic psychology, this is the best place to start Carl Jung Book Man and His Symbols. Alternatively, you can begin with his student Erich Neumann's book The Origins and the History of Consciousness. (Bottom left)

Finally, here are 24 Carl Jung Quotes for a deeper appreciation of himself and others:

24 Carl Jung Quotes Changing Your Life

"Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it destiny." – Carl Jung "The ability to direct thinking I call intellect; The capacity for passive or undirected thinking is what I call intellectual intuition. "- Carl Jung " Anything that irritates us in others can lead to a self-understanding. "- Carl Jung " You are what you do, not what you say, you will do. "- Carl Jung Quotes " The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: when it comes to a reaction, both are transformed. "- Carl Jung " I'm not what happened to me, I'm what I want to become. "- Carl Jung
" Getting the right question is already half the solution to a problem. "- Carl Jung " Thinking is difficult, so most people judge. – Carl Jung "A dream that is not understood remains a mere event, understood as a living experience – Carl Jung " I was always impressed by the fact that there are a surprising number of people who never use their minds when they can avoid it, and an equal number who use their minds, but in an amazingly stupid way. "- Carl Jung " One special ability means a high energy expenditure in a certain direction with a consequent loss from another side of life. – Carl Jung We should not pretend to understand the world only through the intellect; we understand it just as well when we feel. Therefore, the judgment of the mind is at best only half the truth and, if it is honest, it must also lead to an understanding of its inadequacy. "- Carl Jung " The least of things with a meaning is worth more in life than the greatest without it. "- Carl Jung " When a man knows more than others, he becomes lonely. "- Carl Jung Nothing has a stronger psychological influence on their environment and especially on their children than the inanimate life of the parents. "- Carl Jung " I will not commit the fashionable stupidity of looking at everything that I can not declare as a fraud. "- Carl Jung " For me, dreams are part of nature, which does not entail an intention to deceive, but expresses something as well as possible. – Carl Jung
 Napoleon Quotation Mark "width =" 800 "height =" 182 "/>" I regret many follies that stems from my tenacity, but without this property I would have my goal not attained. "- <strong> Carl Jung </strong>" Where love rules, there is no will to power, and where power prevails, love is lacking, one is the shadow of another. "- <strong> Carl Jung </strong> "A dream that is not understood remains a mere event, understood as a living experience." – <strong> Carl Jung </strong> The creative mind plays with the objects he loves. "- <strong> Carl Jung <br /> See also: 22 Genius Stephen Hawking Quotes Recalled <br /> </strong> "Even a happy life can not be without some degree of darkness, and the word" happy "would lose its meaning if it is not overcome by sadness would. "- <strong> Carl Jung </strong>" When a man knows more than others, he becomes lonely. "- <strong> Carl Jung </strong>" Since every change has to begin somewhere, it is the individual who experiences and performs it, the change must indeed begin with an individual, it could be one of us can afford to look around and wait for someone else to do what he does not like doing. "<strong> – Carl Jung Quotes </strong> </p>
<h2> <strong> Summary </strong> </h2>
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