As the first President of the United States George Washington had to provide an excellent example for future generations. As a military and political leader and strategist, he was the only man who unanimously elected the college and served twice as president. His actions and personal philosophy have had a strong impact on American culture. I created this collection of fascinating George Washington Quotes to motivate you in your own way.

He was always a supporter of freedom and the rights of individuals and acted responsibly and prudently. In his youth, George Washington worked as a surveyor and farmer and inherited a significant estate. He later began his military career in the Virginia militia, leading small male formations in a series of small skirmishes with French soldiers. Washington really gained fame in the American Revolutionary War, in which he led large troops in open field combat for the first time. Charismatically and confidently, he was able to lead his men through illness, harsh winters and almost mutiny against Britain, which was the strongest force in the world at the time.

George Washington refused to serve a third term as President. Instead, he decided to spend his final years as a gentleman farmer outside of public life. As a worthy civil servant and respected military leader, Washington was a real patriot. He's an American icon, and for good reason.

Here is our selection of 21 fascinating George Washington quotes about dignity, duty and responsibility:

21 Fascinating George Quotes from Washington

"It is better to offer no excuse as a bad one. " – George Washington "Preparing for war is one of the most effective ways to maintain peace." – George Washington "Worries are the interest paid by those who lend trouble." – George Washington "Human happiness and moral duty are inextricably linked." – George Washington “The will of truth ultimately wins where there is trouble to bring it to light. "- George Washington
"There is nothing that your patronage can deserve better than that Promoting Science and Literature e) Knowledge is the safest foundation of public happiness in any country. "- George Washington " Real men despise the fight, but will never run away. "- George Washington Quotes
 George Washington Quotes "width =" 600 "height =" 600 "/> <br /> </strong>" True friendship is a slow-growing plant and must withstand the shocks of adversity before it is eligible for the label Has . ”- <strong> George Washington </strong>“ Discipline is the soul of an army. It makes small numbers scary; provides the weak with success and appreciates everyone. "- <strong> George Washington </strong>" Let your heart feel for the sufferings and sufferings of all people and let your hand give way in relation to your wallet. "- <strong> George Washington </strong>" Freedom, when it takes root, is a plant of rapid growth. "- <strong> George Washington </strong>" My first wish is to stop this plague of mankind, the war, from to be banished from the earth. "- <strong> George Washington </strong>" The more serious the conflict, the greater the triumph. "- <strong> George Washington <br /> <img decoding=

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